Please follow these instructions to fix this issue:
First we need to exit the Game Player Download and Installation window if you still have it open. To do this follow these steps (if it is already closed you can skip these steps):
1. Open the Task Manager by pressing the CTRL - SHIFT - ESC keys on your keyboard at the same time.
2. Select the "Processes" tab at the top of the Task Manager window
3. Select the "FreeRide Games.exe" process on the list and click "End Process"

Next we need to remove the Game Player Download and Installation files from your PC:
1. Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard at the same time. (the Windows Key is the key next to "CTRL" that has a Flag on it).
2. In the "Run" window that opens, type %temp% and hit Enter

3. Delete the "SDM143" folder

The Final set of steps to fix this is to clear the Browser Cache for the Internet Browser you are using. For detailed instructions click the link below for the Internet Browser you are using:
Instructions on how to clear your browser's cache
Once you have followed those instructions, please visit and start downloading and playing games!